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13/09/2024 - 19:03
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List of historical courses
Below is the list of courses that are either no longer offered or offered with a different course code.
Course Code |
Course Name |
Credit |
ECTS Credit |
Laboratory Credit |
Theory Credit |
Description |
2300103 | PHYSICS FOR SOCIAL SCI. I | 9 | 5 | 6 | 3 | The world of physics; scientific method; crystals; chaos; the big-bang; automobile collision; radiation and life; energy, entropy and environment; exponential growth; photo voltaic conversion; atmospheric electricity; plasma; superconductivity; gravity and geometry; laser; fiber optics; scanning tunneling microscope; magnetic resonance imaging; nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. |
2300104 | FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF PHYSICS II | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Electric charges and fields; electric potential; electric currents and circuits; magnetic fields; wave motion and light. |
2300113 | PHYSICS FOR STUDENTS OF SCIENCE I | 5 | 7 | 2 | 4 | Vectors; kinematics in three dimension; dynamics-Newton`s laws; work and energy; conservation of energy; gravitation; system`s of particles; collisions; kinematics of rigid body; dynamics of rigid body; statics and elasticity; oscillations; fluid mechanics; kinetic theory and thermodynamics. |
2300114 | PHYSICS FOR STUDENTS OF SCIENCE II | 5 | 7 | 2 | 4 | Electrostatics and magnetostatics; electrical and magnetic properties of matter; equations; electromagnetic waves; geometric optics, interference and diffraction; special relativity; quanta of light, atomic structure; quantum theory of matter. |
2300115 | PHYSICS LABORATORY I | 3 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Basic experimental techniques in mechanics. Experiments on one and two-dimensional motion, Newton`s laws, circular motion, simple harmonic motion collisions, energy conversion, gyroscope, water waves and acoustic waves. |
2300116 | PHYSICS LABORATORY II | 3 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Experiments on fundamental laws of electromagnetism, simple circuits, solar cells, light emitting diodes, laws of radiation, diffraction and interference of light waves. |
2300121 | MECHANICS | 15 | 0 | 15 | . | |
2300122 | MECHANICS LAB. | 9 | 0 | 9 | . | |
2300124 | ELECTIRICITY AND MAGNET | 15 | 0 | 15 | . | |
2300201 | PHYSICS III | 5 | 15 -- 2 | 0 | 5 | . |
2300204 | INTRODUCTORY ELECTRONICS II | 4 | 8 | 0 | 4 | . |
2300205 | METHODS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS I | 5 | 15 -- 2 | 0 | 5 | . |
2300206 | METHODS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS II | 5 | 0 | 5 | . | |
2300207 | CONCEPTS OF MODERN PHYSICS | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Special relativity; electromagnetic waves; atomic structure; basic concepts of quantum mechanics; quantum theory of the hydrogen atom; many electron atoms and periodic table; molecules; solid state. |
2300211 | OPTICS AND WAVES | 4 | . | |||
2300215 | OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES | 4 | 7 | 2 | 3 | Linear and non-linear oscillations; coupled oscillations; transverse and longitudinal waves; interference; diffraction and polarization; waves in more than one dimension; acoustic waves; non-linear optics; geometrical optics. |
2300216 | PHYSICS LABORATORY I | 3 | 6 | 1 | 4 | Experiments in electromagnetism. Experimental techniques will focus on various appects of static and dynamic applications in electromagnetism. The course is also intended to cover computer based data acquisition techniques. |
2300217 | PHYSICS LABORATORY II | 3 | 6 | 4 | 1 | Various experiments on oscillation, waves and optics. |
2300224 | THERMAL PHYSICS | 4 | 0 | 4 | . | |
2300225 | PHYSICS II. LAB. (ELECTRIC.AND MAGNET.) | 9 | . | |||
2300230 | PASCAL PROGRAMMING IN PHYSICS | 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 | Algorithmic approach to solving physical problems; programming in Pascal using loops, arrays, records, functions and procedures; designing structured algorithms for physics. |
2300231 | PHYSICS III (CLASSICAL MECH.) | 12 | . | |||
2300232 | PHYSICS IV (CLASSICAL MECH) | 12 | . | |||
2300261 | PHYSICS OF MARITIME, SAILING AND NAVIGATION | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | History of sailing, upwind and downwind sailing, Newtons theory of fluid resistance, lift and drag phenomena, sail shapes, mesaurement of hull smoothness, wind turbulence, water waves, structure of waves, use of optics in the connection between waters appearance and wind. Examples to illustrate the concepts and practice. Meteorology, VHF radiotelephony, STCWs and yacht master rules. |
2300281 | BASIC PHYSICS II | 3 | 4 | 0 | 3 | Basic concepts in astronomy, Solar system and the Sun, astronomical coordinate systems, laws, astronomical instruments and communication satellites, basic knowledge of stars: observational properties, evolution, stellar remnants, galaxies: observational properties and classification, basic cosmology. |
2300282 | BASIC PHYSICS IV | 3 | 4 | 0 | 3 | Special theory of relativity, models of atoms, quantum mechanics of atoms, nuclear physics, radioactivity and nuclear energy. |
2300286 | ADV.MECH. | 12 | . | |||
2300290 | ELECTRONICS | 12 | . | |||
2300291 | MODERN PHYSICS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGI. | 4 | 5 | 0 | 4 | Crystal structure and symmetry; basic concepts of quantum theory; waves and particles; the Schrödinger equation; wave mechanics; quantum theory of solids; binding and bonding; semiconductors; p-n junctions. |
2300301 | INTRODUCTION TO ARCHAEOMETRY | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Application of basic sciences archaeology: prospecting, analysis of archaeological materials by chemical and physical methods, source analysis and ancient trade patterns, dating of archaeological materials. |
2300302 | CLASSICAL MECHANICS II | 4 | 0 | 4 | . | |
2300303 | QUANTUM THEORY&ITS APPLICATIONS I | 4 | 7 | 0 | 4 | Introduction to quantum ideas; postulates of quantum mechanics; one dimensional problems; harmonic oscillator; angular momentum. |
2300304 | QUANTUM THEORY&ITS APPLICATIONS II | 4 | 7 | 0 | 4 | Matrix formulation; perturbation theory; interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atomic systems; identical particles; quantum statistics; selected applications to lasers, semiconductors; electron conduction; superconductivity. |
2300309 | INT. TO SOLID STATE PHYSICS I | 9 | . | |||
2300310 | INT.TO SOLID STATE PHYS.II | 9 | . | |||
2300311 | CLASSICAL MECHANICS | 5 | 12 | 2 | 4 | Lagrangian mechanics; Hamiltonian mechanics; the two-body central force problem; dynamics of a system of particles; motion in a noninertial reference frame; rigid body motion; small oscillations; nonlinear oscillations and Chaos. |
2300315 | SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS I | 4 | 7 | 0 | 4 | Crystal properties; atoms and electrons energy bands and charge carriers; excess charge carriers in semiconductors; two-terminal solid state devices. |
2300320 | PHYSICS OF THE LOWER ATMOSPHERE | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | A brief discussion of atmospheric thermodynamics; hydrostatic equilibrium condition and study of some model atmospheres; the fundamentals of radiation and associated radiation laws; radiative transfer mechanism; derivation of the equations of motion on a rotating earth; energy relations. |
2300321 | QUANTUM PHYSICS | 12 | . | |||
2300322 | QUANTUM PHYSICS | 12 | . | |||
2300324 | STATISTICAL PHYS.& THERMOD. | 4 | . | |||
2300325 | STATISTICAL PHYSICS | 4 | 0 | 4 | . | |
2300327 | PHYSICS OF ATOMS, MOLECULES AND SOLIDS | 4 | 7 | 2 | 3 | The exclusion principle; ground states of multielectron atoms and periodic table; LS coupling, Zeeman effect, quantum statistics, classical and quantum description of the state of a system; electronic, vibrational and rotational energies of molecules; band theory of solids; the quantum free-electron model; the motion of electrons in a periodic lattice. |
2300329 | ADVANCED MECHANICS | 4 | 0 | 4 | . | |
2300330 | INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROMAGNETISM | 4 | 0 | 4 | . | |
2300333 | MICROPROC.& MICROCOMPUTERS | 9 | . | |||
2300334 | ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY | 5 | 12 | 2 | 4 | Maxwell`s equations; electromagnetic waves; propagation of electromagnetic waves in bounded region; Lienard-Wiechert potential; field of accelerated charge; electromagnetic radiation; Thomson cross-section; Lorentz transformation of electromagnetic fields. |
2300341 | SPECTROSCOPY I | 3 | . | |||
2300342 | SPECTROSCOPY II | 3 | . | |||
2300352 | ELECTRON OPTICS | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Electron-optical refractive index; axisymmetric lenses; general properties; thin lens approximation; quadruple lenses; electron-beam devices (transmission and scanning electron microscopes, mass spectroscopy, electromagnetic separation of isotopes, high energy accelerators). |
2300390 | INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PRACTICE | 0 | 2 | 4 | 0 | Son yıllarda artan sayıda lisans öğrencilerimiz zorunlu staj çalışmalarını yapmak için Erasmus Yaz Stajı Hareketliliği Programı çerçevesinde Avrupaya gitmektedirler. Bu ders yardımı ile bu tipteki öğrencilerimiz ECTS kredilendirme sisteminden notlandırılacak ve yapmış oldukları bu staj ODTÜ transkript sisteminde tanınacaktır. |
2300392 | PHYSICS OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES | 4 | 7 | 0 | 4 | p-n junctions; bipolar transistors; field effect transistors; surface devices; integrated circuits. |
2300401 | ATOMIC PHYSICS | 3 | 7 | 0 | 3 | Atom models; radiation and matter; Wave equations for simple quantum systems; Perturbation theory and radiative transitions; Quantum Theory of one-electron atoms; Many-electron atoms; Molecular structures; Approximation methods for many-electron systems. |
2300405 | NEUTRON PHYSICS | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Interactions of neutrons; neutron optics; diffusion of neutrons; resonance reactions; the fission process; neutron chain reactions; applications in reactor theory. |
2300406 | NEUTRON PHYSICH II | 9 | . | |||
2300411 | SOLID STATE PHYSICS LABORATORY I | 4 | 7 | 4 | 2 | Theoretical and experimental studies on production processes; characterization and testing methods used in semiconductor technology. |
2300412 | SOLID STATE PHYSICS LABORATORY II | 4 | 7 | 4 | 2 | Theoretical and experimental studies on production processes; characterization and testing methods used in semiconductor technology. |
2300413 | EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES IN PHYSICS | 4 | 7 | 4 | 2 | Measurement techniques in physics. |
2300416 | ADVANCED SELECTED PROB. IN PHYSICS | 3 | 10 | 2 | 2 | Theoretical and experimental projects leading to an understanding of the fundamental problems of physics. |
2300421 | FOUND.OF EXP.PHYS. | 9 | . | |||
2300433 | APPLICATIONS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS | 3 | 7 | 0 | 3 | Show applications of Quantum Mechanics to optics, solid state, and other areas of physics. The course is oriented to understanding of the basic physical principles involved. |
2300441 | SCIETOMETRIC ANALYSIS IN PHYSICS | 3 | 0 | 3 | . | |
2300451 | SPECTROSCOPY | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | The Schrödinger equation; orbital angular momentum; magnetic dipole moments; Stern-Gerlach experiment; spin-orbit interaction; Hydrogen energy levels; transition rates; selection rules; exclusion principle; Hartree theory; X-ray spectra; alkali atom energy levels; fine structure; LS coupling; hyperfine structure; Zeeman effect; Molecular structure and spectra; diatomic molecules; rotational, vibrational and electronic energies. |
2300452 | INT.GENERAL REL. | 9 | 5 | . | ||
2300460 | ECONOPHYSICS | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Financial markets, conventional methods for exchange predictions, the physivs of socio-economis systems, stochastic models, scaling and its breakdown, empirical analysis of the S&P 500 index and ISE 100 index, distance between stocks, ultrametric spaces, methods to grow portfolios in stock exchanges. |
2300472 | SOLAR ENERGY II | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Introduction to physics of materials; material science aspects of photothermal solar energy conversion; energy efficient windows; smart windows; transparent insulation; principles of photovoltaic conversion; other non-conventional energy sources. |
2300509 | THEORETICAL ATOMIC PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300511 | COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Basic mathematical tools; differential equations and boundary value problems; special functions; matrix operations; algebraic methods; Monte Carlo methods. |
2300512 | NEUTRON TRANSPORT THEORY | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300519 | STATISTICAL MECH. | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300520 | SEL.TOP. IN ATOMIC AND MOL. PHYS. | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300521 | THEORETICAL ATOMIC PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Review of Atomic Physics; Review of quantum Mechanics; Interaction of electrons with EM field; Spectra of Atoms, Collisions. |
2300522 | ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY II | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300524 | MOLECULAR PHYSICS II | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Intermolecular forces: long and short-range interactions; interactions of small atomic system; physical absorption; molecular collision theory: scattering by a central force; elastic and inelastic collisions; transition probabilities and collisional energy transfer. Scattering of atoms and molecules from solid surfaces. |
2300525 | LASER DESIGN | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Principles of laser operation; excitation and oscillation problems in laser theory; standing and traveling waves in a laser and modes of oscillation of an optical cavity; stabilization and optimization conditions of a laser resonator; construction of gas lasers and liquid lasers; experimental techniques of a ring dye-laser and laser systems for Doppler-free multi-photon absorption. |
2300528 | INTRODUC.TO QUANTUM FIELD THEOR.II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300529 | METH.OF MATHEMATICAL PHYS.I | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300530 | SEL.TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYS. | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300534 | THEORY OF MANY-PARTICLE SYSTEMS II | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Field theory at finite temperature; physical systems at finite temperature, real-time Green's functions; canonical transformations, nuclear matter, superconductivity. |
2300538 | MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS II | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Paramagnetic relaxation, conditions for paramagnetic resonance; hyperfine structure: the spin Hamiltonian; the spectra of the transition group ions; the spectra of P paramagnetic molecules and other systems: paramagnetic gases, free radicals, donors and acceptors in semiconductors, traps, F centers, the defects from radiation damage; nuclear magnetic resonance; double resonance. |
2300540 | SEL.TOPICS IN HIGH ENERGY PHYS. | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300544 | MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300550 | SEL.TOPICS IN X-RAY DIFF.AND ULTRAS.II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300553 | NEUTRON TRANSPORT THEORY | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Linear Boltzmann equation and its mathematical and physical properties; approximate and exact solutions of the linear Boltzmann equation; variational methods. |
2300554 | OPTIC.PROPERTIES OF SEMICON.II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300555 | NUCLEAR REACTOR THEORY | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Fundamentals of neutron behaviour in nuclear reactors; the fission process; diffusion of neutrons; slowing down of neutrons and thermal reactors; reactor control, perturbation theory. |
2300556 | SELECTED TOPICS IN PHYS II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300558 | SPECIAL TOPICS IN TH.PHYS.I | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300559 | SPEC.TOPICS IN THEOR.PHYS.II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300560 | SELECTED TOPICS IN PLASMA PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300565 | TOPICS IN MATH.PHYSICS I | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300566 | TOPICS IN MATH PHYS.II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300567 | X AND GAMMA RAY SPEC.ANALY. | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300568 | ADVANCED PLASMA PHYSICS | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300570 | APPLIED PLASMA PHYSICS | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300571 | SIGNAL PROCESSING & INSTR. IN PHYSICS I | 3 | 8 | 2 | 2 | An experimental course on signal analysis; analysis of periodic signals; transient signals; correlation; spectral analysis; operational amplifiers; computing networks; generalization; transfer functions; analog circuit examples. |
2300572 | SIGNAL PROCESSING & INSTR. IN PHYSICS II | 3 | 8 | 2 | 2 | General description of operational devices, departures from ideal and previsions, measurements, linear circuits, non-linear circuits, constant current and voltage sources, signal generation, filters, signal conditioners, memory, measurement circuits. |
2300574 | SCIENTOMETRIC ANALYSIS IN PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Physics-related quantitative analysis on general aspects; growth trends in research and researchers; experimental versus theoretical research; research subfields; indicators of research performance and performance distributions; team-work and collaboration; basic ideas of citation and citation impact; statistical models and techniques in quantitative analysis of physics education and research. |
2300579 | PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC DATING TECH. | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300580 | SELECTED TOPICS IN PHYSICS I | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300581 | GROUP THEORY AND APPL.I | 9 | 18 | . | ||
2300590 | SELECTED TOPICS IN PHYSICS II | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300592 | PARTICLE PHYSICS SEMINAR | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300593 | DIRECTED STUDIES IN PHYSICS | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | M.S. Students prepare an advanced topic in the form of project or seminar in contemporary physics other than their research fields. |
2300595 | PARTICLE THEORY SEMINAR I | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300693 | ADVANCED DIRECTED STUDIES IN PHYSICS | 1 | 3 | 0 | 1 | Ph.D. Students prepare an advanced topic in the form of project or seminar in contemporary physics other than their research fields. |
2300701 | SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300702 | LOWER DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300703 | PHYSICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300706 | NONLINEAR PLASMA PHENOMENA | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300707 | LIQUID METALS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300708 | THEORY OF INTERMOLECULAR FORCES | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300711 | X-RAY BINARIES | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300712 | ADV.TOPICS AND APPL.IN STAT.MECHANICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300713 | NUM.SIM.METH.IN CRY.GROW.FR.MELT TECH | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300714 | OPTOELEC. AND SUPERCONDUC.MATE.AND APPL | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300717 | GEOMETRICAL MECHANICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300720 | DISORDERED QANTUM SYSTEMS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300721 | SIMULATION OF MANY-PARTICLE SYSTEMS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300727 | NEUTRINO PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300729 | LOW DIMENSIONAL FIELD THEORIES | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Abelian and non-Abelian Chern-Simons theories. Quantization of C-S theories. Field theoretic approaches to superconductivity, quantum hall effect and other low dimensional phenomena. Lower dimensional gravitation. |
2300731 | QUANTUM MECHANIC I | 4 | 10 | . | ||
2300732 | SP.STUDIES | 0 | 10 | . | ||
2300733 | ASTROPHYSICAL DATA ANALYSIS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | . |
2300734 | INTR.TO NONLINEAR DYNAMICAL SYS. | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300739 | PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES I | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300740 | PHYS.OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES II | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300742 | COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN PLASMA PHYSICS | 3 | 7 | 2 | 2 | Analysis of fluid,particle (kinetic),and hybrid methods of computational plasma physics with application to space,laboratory and industrial plasmas.The applicability of the models, their mathematical foundations,and methods of numerical solution are studied.Computational experiments on the basis of Matlab/Octave and COMSOL Multiphysics codes are carried out in computer class.Topics include finite volume,finite difference,finite element ,particle-in-cell,and Monte Carlo methods,applied to the problems related to plasma phenomena. |
2300744 | COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS II | 4 | 10 | . | ||
2300747 | APPLICATIONS OF PLASMA PHYSICS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Basic plasma parameters; plasma production and plasma diagnostics; plasma waves and instabilities; space plasma physics and plasma astrophysics; physics of plasma propulsion; thermonuclear fusion; industrial plasma applications. |
2300748 | INTRODUCTION TO SCANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY (SPM) | 3 | 8 | 2 | 2 | Principles of tunnelling phenomena & Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM) Theory, Scanning Mechanisms: Piezoelectric & Voice Coil, Coarse, approach, Vibration isolation, Data Acquisition, Feedback Control: Analog, Digital, feed forward etc. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): Theory, Force Detection methods in AFM, Contact Mode AFM, Tapping Mode AFM, Non-contact mode operation of AFM & true Atomic Resolution, Atomic Manipulation Nanolithography, Fast SPMs, SPM in liquids, Operation in extreme environments,Other SPM methods: MFM, SHPM, EFM, NSOM etc. |
2300782 | THEORY OF RELATIVITY II | 3 | 8 | . | ||
2300800 | PH.D. THESIS | 0 | 10 | 2 | 4 | PH.D. |
2300836 | SPECIAL STUDIES | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300847 | SPECIAL STUDIES | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300850 | SPECIAL STUDIES | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300856 | SPECIAL STUDIES | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300866 | SPECIAL STUDIES | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300900 | SP.STUDIES | 0 | 10 | . | ||
2300943 | ADVANCED STUDIES | 0 | 70 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300945 | ADVANCED STUDIES | 0 | 70 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300947 | ADVANCED STUDIES | 0 | 70 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300950 | ADVANCED STUDIES | 0 | 70 | 0 | 0 | . |
2300966 | ADVANCED STUDIES | 0 | 70 | 0 | 0 | . |
8640302 | SOLAR SYSTEM ASTROPHYSICS | 3 | 5 | 0 | 3 | Basic solar data and solar interiors; surface phenomena and the sun; origin of the solar system and the sun; the planets; internal structure and composition; comets and small bodies in the solar system.Prerequisite: ASTR 301 or consent of the department. |
8640305 | PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY I | 3 | 5 | 2 | 2 | Review of basic astronomical instruments and their use; selected experiments in photometry, spectroscopy and data reduction related to observational aspects of astronomy.Prerequisite: ASTR 201 or ASTR 301 or consent of the department. |
8640306 | PRACTICAL ASTRONOMY II | 3 | 5 | 2 | 2 | Selected experiments in photometry; spectrometry and data reduction related to observational aspects of astronomy.Prerequisite: ASTR 305 or consent of the department. |
8640503 | TOPICS IN ASTROPHYSICS I | 9 | 18 | . | ||
8640504 | TOPICS IN ASTROPHYSICS II | 9 | 18 | . | ||
8640506 | HIGH ENERGY ASTROPHYSICS | 9 | 18 | . | ||
8640510 | STELLAR ENVELOPES AND INTERIOR | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Emphasis will be on preparation of computer programs for study of stellar atmospheres in radiative and convective equilibrium. Students will be guided in methods of stellar model construction. |
8640511 | STELLAR INTERIORS | 9 | 18 | . | ||
8640512 | STELL.MODELS AND EVOLUTION | 9 | 18 | . | ||
8640513 | STELLAR ATMOSPHERES | 9 | 18 | . | ||
8640514 | CONST.OF MODELS FOR STEL.ENV.AND INT. | 3 | 8 | . | ||
8640522 | DYNAMICS OF CLOSE BINARY SYSTEMS | 3 | 8 | 0 | 3 | Figures of equilibrium; the Roch model; the orectical light; radial velocity and period changes in close binaries; determination of the elements of eclipsing binary systems. |
8640530 | SEL.TOPICS IN ASTROPHYS. | 3 | 8 | . |
List of courses with the same course code
Below is the list of courses that have been assigned the same course code for historical reasons, along with the semesters that they were offered.
Course Code |
Course Name |
Semesters |
2300215 | PHYSICS FOR STUDENTS OF SCIENCE III | 2004-2005 Fall, 2005-2006 Fall, 2006-2007 Fall, 2007-2008 Fall, 2008-2009 Fall, 2009-2010 Fall, 2010-2011 Fall, 2011-2012 Fall, 2012-2013 Fall |
2300215 | OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES | 2013-2014 Fall, 2014-2015 Fall, 2015-2016 Fall, 2016-2017 Fall |
2300217 | PHYSICS LABORATORY III | 2004-2005 Fall, 2005-2006 Fall, 2006-2007 Fall, 2007-2008 Spring, 2008-2009 Spring, 2009-2010 Spring, 2010-2011 Spring, 2011-2012 Spring, 2012-2013 Spring |
2300217 | PHYSICS LABORATORY II | 2013-2014 Spring, 2014-2015 Spring, 2015-2016 Spring, 2016-2017 Spring |
2300343 | INTRODUCTORY COMPUTATIONAL METHODS FOR PHYSICISTS | 2007-2008 Fall, 2009-2010 Fall, 2009-2010 Spring, 2010-2011 Fall, 2011-2012 Fall, 2012-2013 Fall, 2013-2014 Fall, 2014-2015 Fall, 2015-2016 Fall, 2016-2017 Fall, 2020-2021 Spring |
2300419 | INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL ELECTRONICS I | 2004-2005 Fall, 2005-2006 Fall, 2006-2007 Fall, 2007-2008 Fall, 2008-2009 Fall, 2009-2010 Fall, 2010-2011 Fall, 2011-2012 Fall, 2012-2013 Fall, 2013-2014 Fall, 2014-2015 Fall, 2015-2016 Fall |
2300419 | INTRODUCTION TO PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS I | 2016-2017 Fall, 2017-2018 Fall, 2018-2019 Fall, 2019-2020 Fall, 2020-2021 Fall, 2021-2022 Fall, 2022-2023 Fall, 2023-2024 Fall |
2300420 | INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL ELECTRONICS II | 2004-2005 Spring, 2005-2006 Spring, 2006-2007 Spring, 2007-2008 Spring, 2008-2009 Spring, 2009-2010 Spring, 2010-2011 Spring, 2011-2012 Spring, 2012-2013 Spring, 2013-2014 Spring, 2014-2015 Spring, 2015-2016 Spring |
2300420 | INTRODUCTION TO PHOTONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS II | 2016-2017 Spring, 2017-2018 Spring, 2018-2019 Spring, 2019-2020 Spring, 2020-2021 Spring, 2021-2022 Spring, 2022-2023 Spring, 2023-2024 Spring |
2300455 | INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM INFORMATION THEORY | 2006-2007 Fall, 2009-2010 Fall, 2011-2012 Fall, 2012-2013 Fall, 2013-2014 Fall, 2015-2016 Fall, 2016-2017 Fall, 2017-2018 Fall, 2018-2019 Fall, 2019-2020 Fall, 2020-2021 Fall, 2021-2022 Fall, 2022-2023 Fall, 2023-2024 Fall |
2300455 | INTRODUCTION TO QUANTUM INFORMATION THE | 2007-2008 Fall, 2008-2009 Fall |
2300481 | THEORY OF RELATIVITY I | 2004-2005 Fall, 2005-2006 Fall, 2006-2007 Fall, 2007-2008 Fall, 2008-2009 Fall, 2009-2010 Fall, 2010-2011 Fall, 2011-2012 Fall, 2012-2013 Fall, 2013-2014 Fall, 2014-2015 Spring, 2015-2016 Spring |
2300481 | SPECIAL RELATIVITY | 2016-2017 Fall, 2018-2019 Fall, 2020-2021 Fall, 2022-2023 Fall, 2023-2024 Fall |
2300482 | THEORY OF RELATIVITY II | 2004-2005 Spring, 2006-2007 Spring, 2007-2008 Spring, 2009-2010 Spring, 2013-2014 Spring |
2300482 | GENERAL RELATIVITY | 2016-2017 Spring, 2018-2019 Spring, 2019-2020 Spring, 2022-2023 Spring, 2023-2024 Spring |
2300691 | ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PHYSICS | 2004-2005 Fall, 2004-2005 Spring, 2005-2006 Fall |
2300691 | SEMINAR | 2005-2006 Spring, 2006-2007 Fall, 2006-2007 Spring, 2007-2008 Fall, 2007-2008 Spring, 2008-2009 Spring, 2009-2010 Fall, 2009-2010 Spring, 2010-2011 Fall, 2010-2011 Spring, 2011-2012 Fall, 2011-2012 Spring, 2012-2013 Fall, 2012-2013 Spring, 2013-2014 Fall, 2013-2014 Spring, 2014-2015 Fall, 2014-2015 Spring, 2015-2016 Fall, 2015-2016 Spring, 2016-2017 Fall |
2300691 | SEMINAR IN PHYSICS II | 2017-2018 Fall, 2017-2018 Spring, 2018-2019 Fall, 2019-2020 Fall, 2019-2020 Spring, 2020-2021 Fall, 2020-2021 Spring, 2021-2022 Fall, 2021-2022 Spring, 2022-2023 Fall, 2022-2023 Spring, 2023-2024 Fall, 2023-2024 Spring |
2300723 | NONLINEAR EVO.EQUATIONS AND SOL. | 2005-2006 Spring |
2300723 | NONLINEAR EVOLUTION EQUATIONS AND SOLITO | 2006-2007 Spring, 2007-2008 Fall |
2300735 | INTRODUCTION TO NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY | 2005-2006 Fall, 2005-2006 Spring, 2009-2010 Fall, 2009-2010 Spring, 2010-2011 Fall |
2300735 | INTRODUCTION TO NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECH | 2006-2007 Fall, 2006-2007 Spring, 2007-2008 Fall, 2007-2008 Spring, 2008-2009 Fall, 2008-2009 Spring |
2300741 | PRINCIPLES OF DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY | 2007-2008 Spring, 2008-2009 Spring, 2010-2011 Spring, 2012-2013 Fall |
2300741 | COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE I | 2017-2018 Fall, 2019-2020 Fall |
Instruction History
Please click on a course group below to see the teaching history of the courses in that group. You might download or open individually on a new tab by right clicking on the images as well.